Friday, October 14, 2011

Flash Builder 4 – Java Heap Space Issues

You have to increase Java Heap memory in install-dir/flashbuilder.ini install-dir/sdks//bin/jvm.config "java.args= -Xms512mm -Xmx896m"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rotate Button in Flex 4.5.1 by 90 degree

Now you can simply rotate to "Back" button in mobile apps too... flex 4.5.1 mobile makes it pretty easy but z=1 was trick otherwise lable vanish after rotating to 90 degree.

<s:layout><br />

<s:horizontallayout><br />

</s:horizontallayout></s:layout><br />

<s:videoplayer autoplay="true" height="100%" id="sampleVld" muted="true" rotation="90" scalemode="zoom" source="" width="100%">


<s:button click="backBtn_clickHandler(event)" label="Back" rotationz="90" skinclass="" x="0" y="0" z="1">


Now you can have videoplayer in landscape mode, while you application in portrait mode.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to enable Flash trace on Windows 7 Pro

First create mm.cfg file under

C:\Users\\mm.cfg and add following lines
TraceOutPutFileName=C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs\flashlog.txt

Now create flashlog.txt file in this directory.

C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs\flashlog.txt

Also make sure you have Flash Debugger version i.e. Right click on flash base app in browser to see "Debugger" option enable. Otherwise simple "Flash Debugger version" in google will provide valid link to Adobe download page.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Android and google voice perfect combo for communcation.

Most of the time you love what Android offers and all the smart phones features. But something always bug when you receive unwanted calls from telemarketers at odd hours (for that matter known people you want to avoid)

Here is the step to block them or send them to voicemail etc...

You must have following to do it (everything is FREE)

1. You must have Gmail account.

2. Enter contact number you want to block in gmail "contact"

3. Now go to - Click on Contacts --> select number you want to block on right hand side.

4. Now click on "Edit Google Voice Settings" --> Now in new page you will have options under
"When this contact calls you" with combobox with "Send to voicemail", "Treat as spam", "block caller". Once you set this you don't have to worry about any idiots calling you number of times a day.

Also you want to register you phone in no call registry but sometime that doesn't work but above will work for specific numbers for sure.
