Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rotate Button in Flex 4.5.1 by 90 degree

Now you can simply rotate to "Back" button in mobile apps too... flex 4.5.1 mobile makes it pretty easy but z=1 was trick otherwise lable vanish after rotating to 90 degree.

<s:layout><br />

<s:horizontallayout><br />

</s:horizontallayout></s:layout><br />

<s:videoplayer autoplay="true" height="100%" id="sampleVld" muted="true" rotation="90" scalemode="zoom" source="" width="100%">


<s:button click="backBtn_clickHandler(event)" label="Back" rotationz="90" skinclass="" x="0" y="0" z="1">


Now you can have videoplayer in landscape mode, while you application in portrait mode.


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